//==== Verify Transaction Using IPN ====== //==== Please login your cashmaal account and add IPN URL in merchant settings (Without Adding IPN url this function will not work) ====== //==== Please Note that you will get IPN in same currency which you will ask for pay user ====== /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Here is all response Data Sample: Command: print_r($_POST); Command response: {"status":"1","web_id":"6","CM_TID":"CK858BZ9416","Amount":"0.5","currency":"USD","fee":"0","client_email":"tech@cashmaal.com","order_id":"510561948","date_time":"02-06-2019 10:53:22 AM","addi_info":"For Ads","ipn_key":"A39KxWfeCk9bw4ztNa3ydqfg7qbvOioQb52"} ----------------------------------------------------------- POST IPN response Details: status: 1 (Successfull) | 2 (Pending) | 3 (Rejected) | 0 (Cancelled) web_id: (Your Web Id) (You can check your web id from merchant settings in cashmaal account) CM_TID: (cashmaal Transaction Id) Amount: (Amount with you have received) currency: (currency Which user Paid) fee: (fee on your amount) client_email: (User Email which you have send us in POST data) order_id: (Order_Id which you have send us in POST data) date_time: (Transaction DateTime) addi_info: (Additional information which you have send us in POST data) ipn_key: (Your IP key for match with your cashmaal account ipn_key) ----------------------------------------------------------- */ //---------------------- PHP sample for IPN //---------------------- PHP sample for IPN END